What is Microsoft Power BI?

Data holds immense potential as a transformative tool in the dynamic world of criminal justice. It provides valuable insights that can enhance public safety and improve overall community welfare. However, harnessing the true power of data requires more than just an understanding of its significance. It demands proficiency in utilizing the right tools. That's where Power BI Advanced for Public Safety Agencies comes in.

This advanced course takes a hands-on approach, immersing law enforcement professionals in practical exercises that unlock the capabilities of the free Microsoft Power BI Desktop software. Specifically tailored to aid criminal justice practitioners, commanders, managers, officers, and analysts, this course equips participants with the expertise they need to comprehend and present data for both internal agency usage and external community consumption.

Throughout the course, you'll embark on a transformative journey, mastering the advanced features of Microsoft Power BI Desktop. This expertise will enable you to elevate data visualizations, intelligence analysis, threat identification, and risk communications to new heights. It's not just about presenting data—it's about converting it into actionable intelligence that has the potential to profoundly impact law enforcement operations and outcomes.

We believe in learning by doing. That's why this course emphasizes a hands-on approach, empowering you to immediately apply your newfound knowledge. Through practical exercises, you'll gain proficiency in transforming raw data into visually compelling and interactive representations. These dynamic visualizations enhance your ability to analyze complex datasets, identify patterns, and uncover hotspots, contributing to proactive policing and optimized resource allocation.

The course delves into the art of effective communication through data-driven presentations and reports. You'll learn how to craft compelling narratives, communicate risks, statistics, and findings to both internal stakeholders and the wider community. By leveraging Power BI Desktop, you'll create impactful reports that facilitate informed decision-making, foster transparency, and enhance public trust in law enforcement agencies.

By investing in your professional growth through this course, you'll unlock the full potential of Power BI Desktop for law enforcement agencies. Gain specialized expertise in data analysis and visualization, equipping yourself with the tools to make data-driven decisions that significantly improve public safety. Furthermore, you'll have the opportunity to network and collaborate with like-minded professionals, expanding your knowledge and sharing best practices.

Harness the power of Microsoft Power BI Desktop, elevate your data skills, become a catalyst for positive change in law enforcement operations, and let's transform data into actionable intelligence for  safer and more secure communities.

This is an advanced class. 

It is recommended that attendees have attended and successfully completed any one or more of the following CJDS courses:

Leveraging Call Detail Records for Criminal Investigations

Power BI Basic for Law Enforcement Agencies

Using Data to Solve Crime Within Criminal Investigations

Crime Analysis Fundamentals Using Data Driven Modalities

Or be very familiar with the use of Microsoft Power BI Desktop and associated functionality of a Windows computer.

Course ​​​​​​​Prerequisites: 

Required Software (must be installed prior to the first day of class). All software are free:

Microsoft Power BI Desktop

Required Materials

  1. A Microsoft Power BI Pro license, or a Microsoft G5 or E5 | Government / Enterprise 365 license, assigned by an agency to the attendee is required as attendees will need access to the Power BI Cloud Service. 
  2. REQUIRED COURSE TEXT DENOTED BELOW. Attendees are required to bring text to class. Cost of the material is the responsibility of the attendee. 

A general understanding of basic mathematics and associated principles.

Students will need to have access to a Windows laptop (personal or employer issued/assigned). The host agency is unable to provide students with a laptop for use within the course.

Duration: 32 Hours (4 days)

Method: In Person

Restrictions: Restricted to Criminal Justice Employees only who are in a Full Duty status (or Light Duty due to medical). 

Required Disclosures: None

Fee: Course attendance is free, cost of materials at the students expense.

Note: 72 hours prior to the start date of a course, a minimum 50% of available seats should be filled. If this is not met, the instructor reserves the right to cancel the scheduled course at their discretion.

Course Objectives

After successfully completing the course, attendees will be able to know, discuss, use, and execute the following fundamentals:

  • Use multidimensional data models to convey complex criminal justice information to support data driven policing
  • Explore various SQL server data connections
  • Discuss ethics within criminal justice data visualizations
  • Apply data cardinality measure within a data model
  • Use advanced bookmarks, Z ordering, to build dynamic slicers, cards, and associated visuals
  • Identify and avoid Type I and Type II errors in dynamic visualizations
  • Identify, find, and apply dashboard themes, colors, images to workspace pages
  • Apply M Code as a secondary data source
  • Use and understand the Microsoft Power BI Web Service 
    • Workspaces
    • Gateways
    • Dashboard Refresh Scheduling

Course Outline

Module 1


Class structure

Connections into SQL Servers

Planning Power BI Reports

     Report Planning Process

     Identify the Audience

     Define the Question

     Confirm Data Supports Questions

     Determine Interactivity

     Define Access and Distribution

     Report Architecture Diagram

Visualization Best Practices

     Clutter, Simple, Position, Soft, Backgrounds, Common Design, Selections

     Visualization Anti-Patterns

Data Modeling

    Best practices

    Star Schema




     Single Direction Relationships

     Bidirectional Relationships

     Shared Dimensions

M-Query Master Date Creation

Data Source Settings


Hands on Module 1 Project


Module 2


Data Gateways

Dashboard Publication

Data Refresh

     Scheduled Data Refresh

Website Integration / iframe construction

Email Subscriptions

DAX Measures

     Introduction to DAX

Security Overview / CJIS Security

Hands on Module 2 Project


Module 3

Advanced Analytics

     AI Visuals

     Key Influencers

     Decomposition Tree


     Smart Narrative

     R and Python Visuals

Microsoft Visual Studio Code Integration

DAX Statement for Calendar Auto 

PBI Style Templates

Individual Agency Dashboards

Required Text

Mastering Microsoft Power BI: Expert techniques to create interactive insights for effective data analytics and business intelligence, 2nd Edition


By Greg DecklerBrett Powell, and Leon Gordon

Packt Publications

ISBN-13: 978-1801811484

ISBN-10: 1801811482

Published: June 30, 2022