Business Intelligence (BI) software is designed to make understanding various types of data and information quickly and with ease. R is a programming language used in data science, statistical functions and is designed to clean, explore, understand, analyze, and display various forms of data. R programming is easy to learn, and effective to use. This course will teach the use of R to improve on the basic tenants of the Microsoft Power BI Desktop software suite.
This is an advanced class.
It is recommended that attendees have attended and successfully completed any one or more of the following CJDS courses:
Power BI Advanced for Law Enforcement Agencies
Crime Analysis Fundamentals Using Data Driven Modalities
High level of comfort with moderate to advanced functions of a Windows computer.
REQUIRED COURSE TEXTS DENOTED BELOW. Attendees are required to bring text to class. Cost of the material is the responsibility of the attendee.
Course Prerequisites:
Required Software (must be installed prior to the first day of class). All software are free:
R Download (Comprehensive R Archive Network - CRAN)
RStudio 2022.07.1-554 or higher
High level of comfort with basic and advanced functions of a Windows computer.
Familiar with Microsoft Word, Excel, Access.
Understand basic mathematics and associated principles.
Students will need to have access to a Windows laptop (personal or employer issued/assigned). Host agency is unable to provide students with a laptop for use within the course.
You must have ability to (or are able to have another person) install files on your selected computer.
Duration: 50 Hours (8 days)
Method: In Person
Restrictions: Restricted to active and credentialed criminal justice employees only who are in a full duty (or light duty due to medical) status.
Required Disclosures: None
Fee: Course attendance is free, cost of materials at the students expense.
Note: 72 hours prior to the start date of a course, a minimum 50% of available seats should be filled. If this is not met, the instructor reserves the right to cancel the scheduled course at their discretion.
Course Objectives
After successfully completing the course, attendees will be able to know, discuss, use, and execute the following fundamentals
- Hands on learning to provide attendees with the basics of R using RStudio
- Exploration of Code Editor
- Navigation of R Console
- Understanding Workspace and History
- Creating basic Plots and Files using R code
- RStudio connections
- Data management ethics
- Avoiding Type I and Type II errors in visualizations
- Opensource R code
Required Text
R Cookbook: Proven Recipes for Data Analysis, Statistics, and Graphics 2nd Edition by JD Long, Paul Teetor O'Reilly Publications ISBN 10: 1492040681 ISBN 13: 978-1492040682 Published: July 16, 2019 |